QT Trilogy (Relationships 2): Romantic Relationships

Date: Sun 26th Nov
Time: 5:30PM
Venue: Happy Hour @Roxie
359 Kangding Rd 2F near North Shanxi Rd

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There is no one ‘correct’ model for romantic relationships whether or not they are monogamous, sexual, romantic or queer. What do queer relationships look like, and what can it look like? Because when you don’t have a model, you have to create your own. How do we reconcile our differences in who and how we love from what we have been socially conditioned to accept? How do we communicate our boundaries and expectations with our partner? Is it possible to love more than one person and still give everyone what they need? Does one even need sex or romance in order to live a full and fulfilling life? This coming QT will examine these questions and more with the second entry of our trilogy, Romantic Relationships. Sunday, Dec 10th Happy Hour @ Roxie, 5:30PM.

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