ShPTF – Fudan University Zhihe Society: Who The Hell

ShanghaiPRIDE Theatre Festival 2016 presents Who The Hell by Fudan Univeristy Zhihe Society.

Hold an umbrella and wait for someone to appear in the misty rain
A house that may shelter you or haunt you, your eyes shall uncover the truth
Four ordinary people that may be suspicious or honest, your heart shall uncover the truth
Zhihe Society presents a new theatre, Who The Hell
There will be a question,

“Who” would it be to you?
Would it be friends, families, lovers or enemies, villains, foes?
Would it be acquaintances or strangers?
We, we hold a question, a hope
Who the hell?

These days have been rainy at No. 220 Handan Road
However, even though rain may wet your clothes, it will embellish everything
After the Rain, Insects Awake
In spite of the rain, the performance will go on outside
Inside, scriptwriters will offer you their script recitation
Hold on to your umbrella, as the day darkens and the rain comes
Focus shall not be lost in the rain

Script Reading
Date: Friday 3-June
Time: 18:30-20:30
Venue: Room 3105 Block 3, Fudan University, No. 220 Handan Rd.
Language: Mandarin

RSVP “Performance / Script Reading + Name + Phone+Email” via wechat
Due to venue restrictions, only 5 tickets for each event are available. Each person can only apply for 1 ticket per event.


~生为平常 I Am Me~

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